Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 1 day 2 Explosive bench

Monday during deadlifting I had met 2 fellows by the name of Travis and Conrad. After chatting it up during our rest periods we decided to bench together Wednesday(today) since each of our program has us all benching wednesday. Although both of them are using  Conjugate method while I use Cube method; both have similarities which allow us to train together at a similar pace. I now have 2 new training partners that have brought a new joy to my training and from waht was demonstrated today i know they'll be able to push and further my training as I will do the same to them.

Anyways, today i was set up for an explosive bench day(DE) so weight was sub maximal to the point where speed was consistent on each rep and "fast".

Flat bench
I was planning on floor pressing for a main movement but the rack is elevated by 4 inches or so which makes it a struggle so flat benching was sufficient enough.
8x3@225 - All work set reps were paused at the bottom for 2-3 seconds and speed was extremely fast exploding out of the hole.

Flat bench with chains (50lbs each end)
I then decided to do a few sets and reps at the same weight for my work sets but with the addition of chains.
3x3@225 + chains - Coming out of the hole the speed was still there up until the very end where i would lock out did the weight slow down.

Hammer Strength machine
Normally i dont use this but since the guys i trained with do I decided to give it a go and use it as accessory
2x10@2 plates on each side
5,3,5,6@3 plates each end

JM presses
you have to love this when done correctly. Good for hammering the tris..

Pull downs Using the rope

Lat pull downs
3 sets of 15-20
I was mainly focusing on getting the blood flowing and getting a good pump

Seated dumbbell presses
These were done with very strict form through out each set and rep

Rear delt flies
IMO, It's always a must to hit the rear delts when doing shoulder work to ensure to not have a lagging area on your  deltoids. Plus i also find it to be good for benching.

Hammer Curls
Rarely do i work on biceps but to ensure i dont end up with spaghetti arms that look like they were barely boiled I work on them every now and then.

Unfortunately i didn't do any core work since i ran out of time. I will most likely do them tomorrow on my day off.

Another successful day of training to mark off.

Note: It's important to add that today i received my package from Promera which consisted of Peak 400 and Gluta-tren. Peak 400 was taken 30 minutes prior to training and although it may be too early to tell I felt it gave me the push I needed since I was a bit exhausted from work today. Gluta-tren will be taken as recovery so for today since i'm still a bit full from dinner I have no choice but to take it prior to bed.

Other note: Song of choice was Misery Business by Paramore

1 comment:

  1. Nice workout, Nick!! Love that you added the rear delt flys.
