Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week1 day 4 (Bodybuilding)/Accessory day

I hadn't planned on training today since i cleared up my afternoon to go to a party with my girlfriend but since i never got a confirmed time I was up in the air trying to decide if I should wait for a confirmed time as i fiddle my fingers together or disregards and continue with my training. As i was trying to figure out what to do a certain video popped up on my facebook newsfeed that caught my attention. The video was George Leeman's most recent vid: As i was watching the video it made my decision on what to do ever so clear as well as inspired me much more, motivated me more and at the same time made me realize how much I can relate to him to an extent. **I'll touch up on this subject on a later blog post of mine as i don't really see it fit for todays post**. Anyways, the decision was clear. To go train and continue progressing forward. 

Before i have anyone saying i'm a bad guy for disregarding my gf and ditching her for training, I will beg to differ. You see had i waited for a confirmed time then i would have been sitting around doing nothing for the next 3 hours doing nothing but just being a couch potato. The option i chose actually worked out better because after training I went home, showered, ran some errands and then went on my merry way to the party my girlfriend had invited me to. What do you make of this? I don't really fucking care...

Onto todays training. Cube has me set for a bodybuilding day where i pretty much aim to focus on lagging muscle groups. I do it a bit different. I actually use this 4th day of training to work on accessory for either upper or lower. I rotate every week(week 1= upper accessory, week2=lower accessory, so on and so on) as i see it beneficial this way to instead of training to look pretty for girls, I train to make the most out of my main lifts as well aiming to strengthen certain areas in the lift where i see a weak point. This is why i refer to it as accessory day. 

*Todays focus was Upper accessory.*

Standing Barbell Over Head Press
My legs were sore from thursdays squat session which had me on the verge for switching these out for seated BB OHP but i stood to my ground, man'ed up and stayed on track.
I do all my sets strict and never using any leg drive.  My wobbly legs from the soreness made this a bit harder than usual but i enjoyed every second of it.

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
I really focused on the negative part of this and went slow on the descend 

Dumbbell Flat Bench Press
again, slow on the descend but i made sure to explode back up

Seated Dumbbell Press
not much commentary for these bad boys other than these suck after doing 2 variations of DB benching. I dont mean that in a bad way but more of a good since i really had to push every single rep of these.

Seated Rear Delt Flies

Upright rows
1x10, 1x12, 1x10@95 - Each of these were done with a 2 second hold at the top part of the row

Curls for gurls
why? Because chicks dig guys with big arms. IDK, i just felt like doing them
I got some really super duper cool pumps on my arms after these. haha

Tricep extensions

A good training session again to go in the books.
Was todays decision to train rather than waiting for a time from my girlfriend? yes and no. Yes because I try to stay on top of my training as much as I can and do so as best as i can and no because it later lead to a "argument" with me and my girlfriend. I try to be my best for her but right now i feel as i failed on this aspect.

Note: Took Peak 400 35 minutes prior to training. It gave me a boost at the gym that i very much needed today. Gluta-tren was taken mid day yesterday and early morning today to help aid in recover from Thursdays squat session.

Note 2: I didnt take my ipod so no choice of song today. Instead I was clearing out my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Looks solid bro, I get flak from my girl for training all the time too, but if shes worth it she gets it.
