Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 2 Day 1 Explosive Deadlift

"Cherish every moment with your family, friends, and loved ones. Never take them for granted because one day they might not be there. 
I know ive failed in this with my mom. Neglecting her for quite some time but after coming into realization of what i've done it's time to fix this and rejoice with her."

I had posted the quoted statement on my personal Facebook page because this morning it finally hit me how much I miss my mother who just so happens to be my biggest supported. I don't want to give much insight to this as I see it very personal but for sometime now i've been ignoring my mother for a stupid reason. Coming into realization to this made for an unpleasant morning and emotional day for me to the point where i simply wanted to give up on everything. I didn't want to work, wasn't looking forward to training, I just wanted to give up. I had to give myself a little pep talk to bring myself back, back to the person I was before. To pardon myself and ask for forgiveness for the way i neglected her. I havent done so yet but i plan to do it this week and this is what i'm looking forward to. This has brought me back to refocus on what i strive and to get me back on track...

Now that that's said I want to move on to my training and leave that subject alone for now.

Today's training called for Explosive (DE) Deadlifts using the stance i would when i compete. Pretty much deadlift the way i compete on the platform(sumo).
My 2 new buddies, Conrad and Travis, were there deadlifting so i joined in on we rotated turns to deadlift. It made for a fun deadlift day and had people turning heads as each rep hit the ground.

8x3@345 I was aiming for 30 seconds rest between each set but since we had a rotation going for deadlifts some of the sets had rest periods that were a bit longer
This is a video of my 7th set

4" block pulls (Snatch grip)
1x7.5@285 - i count the 8th rep as .5 since i lost grip at lock out and had the bar slip off of my left hand. (I had a surgery on my index finger due to sliting a tendon and a few ligaments. Grip hasnt been the same but i'm not letting that stop me) This caused me to be pissed off
1x8@285 - Being pissed made for the weight to be easy and fast and although i struggled with grip a bit on the last few reps I didn't give up. I now have a beautiful torn callus under need my left index finger.

Squat(close stance/low bar)
I was going ATG and because my quads are still sore from thursdays squat training each rep was brutal no matter the weight. This isnt normal for me but since i took 3 weeks off from training along with a meet week after it made for me to get really sore getting back into training.

Barbell Shrugs
My grip isnt up to par to what it should be so weight isn't anything exciting as i try to work my way up and fix my grip issue which is only a problem when doing reps.

Lat pull downs

No core/ab work today since i ran out of time.

Note: Peak 400 was taken at 25 minutes prior to training. Gluta-tren to be taken prior to sleeping. So far im loving these 2 supplements by Promera sports and have nothing but good things to say. I've been taking this for more than a week and half so i'd expect it to get better from here.

Note 2: Choice of song was Drowning Pool - Bodies. What a perfect song for Deadlifting.

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